Gig Of The Week: Etta James
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Live Review: Jim Bob and Jesus Jones
Jesus Jones were absolutely back on form last night at O2 Islington Academy. Supported by a great set from Carter USM's Jim Bob up first, the gig was a definite crowd-pleaser and gave the two Gigseen attendees cheesy grins all round. So once again a dual-authored review is in order ...
Live Review: Explosions In The Sky
Video: Jane's Addiction's 'Underground'
In their latest video for Underground, the glitzy Los Angeles rockers Jane's Addiction turn the clock back to the 1920s and perform at one incredibly lascivious brothel.
AOR Disco - Something Old, Something New
Recipe: Take a classic track that everyone loves from years ago, then mix it up and enhance it for the 21st century. This is the premise upon which compiler blog AOR Disco draws its material, frequently highlighting some real gems.
Profile: Melodramas
Melodramas are vocalist Matt, guitarist Rob, bassist Greg, and drummer, Sam. I first saw them play at Joiners in Southampton in 2009 and knew they were on the path to bigger things. With their clever sense of wit, hugely energetic and upbeat sounds teamed with a tight, professional attitude, it seems they have the winning combination.
Album Review: Chris Olley
the death of six by seven (bandcamp release)
I'll be the first to admit that up until a couple of years ago I hadn't come across the work of Six By Seven frontman Chris Olley. In retrospect, I wish I had.
Gig Of The Week: Yes
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Rock And Roll Ain't Dead..
Album Review: Tribes

baby (island)
When Camden four-piece, Tribes, first emerged onto the scene in 2010, they were hailed as one of the bands with the potential to revive guitar music and it's struggling sale figures.
Are Festivals Becoming Too Technological?
Last weekend, attendees of The Eurosonic festival in The Netherlands were the first to test out a new design set to move away from the classic model of the festival wristband, containing a highly advanced microchip.
This Week On Gigseen

So, aside from a new design here on the blog (of which there'll be more coming very soon), what's on offer from us this week?. First up our 'Gig of the Week' - The Pretenders' Loose In L.A. from 2002, Chrissie Hynde and band rocking through a hour and a half set (20 tracks!) from a fantastic performance at the Wilton Theatre.
Gig Of The Week: The Pretenders
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Profile: Jay James Picton
Recently signed to Universal Music Group/Decca Records and U.S. publishers, BUG Music, singer / songwriter , Jay James Picton is making big waves both in the UK and across the pond; and rightly so!
The January Playlist
This Week On Gigseen

Well, here we are. One week down, 51 weeks to go. Don’t know about you, but the first week of 2012 has been a blast, here at Gigseen High Command. We’ve packed away the Christmas kit, got our resolutions up on the whiteboard and figured out where that cheesy smell was coming from. So, none of those January blues for us, unless you count some of our great gigs, of course.
Live Review: The Million Dollar Quartet
Profile: Listener
This Day in Bob Dylan

This week sees the release of the 'This Day in Bob Dylan' app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, the third artist-specific app from daily trivia-mongers This Day in Music - with Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin apps having been released previously.
Our Pick Of Gigs In January
It's a new year with new opportunities and, as usual, the month of January can sometimes be a slow one. With certain industries and companies recovering and recuperating from the Christmas period, there's often not a lot going on in the world of music and arts.