Windows open, coolish breeze running through the room, it was the perfect temperature for a perfect nights sleep. What wasn't perfect was a scene from the popular comedy TV show scrubs running through my mind.
It wasn't a classic episode, nothing like that, infact it was one short scene with one song, it was the song which was going round and round in my mind all night. I didn't know who it was, hadn't even heard the full version, just a chorus, but I really wanted to know more about it. Restless and unable to sleep I reached for my iPad in the dark which burnt an apple logo into my retinas as it sparked into life.
Google was my friend, errr nope, Google couldn't help, just a huge list of stuff. Most of it sending me to internet oblivion and threads about getting hair like actress Sarah Chalke. But at least now I know her hair secrets.
The Scrubs website was hopeless. The show is so music hungry you'd have thought they'd look after that aspect on the site. Sadly not, cause it's run by a TV channel.
Of course, don't know why I didn't go to iTunes first, it'll always be my friend... and Nothing, iTunes has all the TV show episodes but not a single soundtrack album from any of the 6 series they have...iTunes Fail.
My solace finally came via my new internet friend, who I am loving more and more each day. IMDB gave me the info. I quickly found the episode and there was the soundtrack info. Minutes later I was sitting with my iPad on Spotify listen to Cuban/American Singer Songwriter Nil Lara perform the track 'Fighting For My Love'
Nil Lara – Fighting For My Love
This Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) is a great resource. It credits almost everybody that takes part (it's impossible to cover every single thing). From the actors to the cameramen, to the catering team. Wonderfully done, but far easier in the movie world than the music one. Anybody that has spent time around music production can in most cases honestly claim they weren't credited here and forgotten there. It happens to us all. But it would be almost impossible to recreate for music, would it? Artists are easy, we know who they all are. We also understand the importance of the manager, the producer and the label. But do we care? Time will tell.
Anyway, last night, in the dark, in bed I managed to rest my mind listening to Nil Lara's self titled album Nil Lara. I haven't slept that well in ages.
It wasn't a classic episode, nothing like that, infact it was one short scene with one song, it was the song which was going round and round in my mind all night. I didn't know who it was, hadn't even heard the full version, just a chorus, but I really wanted to know more about it. Restless and unable to sleep I reached for my iPad in the dark which burnt an apple logo into my retinas as it sparked into life.
Google was my friend, errr nope, Google couldn't help, just a huge list of stuff. Most of it sending me to internet oblivion and threads about getting hair like actress Sarah Chalke. But at least now I know her hair secrets.
The Scrubs website was hopeless. The show is so music hungry you'd have thought they'd look after that aspect on the site. Sadly not, cause it's run by a TV channel.
Of course, don't know why I didn't go to iTunes first, it'll always be my friend... and Nothing, iTunes has all the TV show episodes but not a single soundtrack album from any of the 6 series they have...iTunes Fail.
My solace finally came via my new internet friend, who I am loving more and more each day. IMDB gave me the info. I quickly found the episode and there was the soundtrack info. Minutes later I was sitting with my iPad on Spotify listen to Cuban/American Singer Songwriter Nil Lara perform the track 'Fighting For My Love'
Nil Lara – Fighting For My Love
This Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) is a great resource. It credits almost everybody that takes part (it's impossible to cover every single thing). From the actors to the cameramen, to the catering team. Wonderfully done, but far easier in the movie world than the music one. Anybody that has spent time around music production can in most cases honestly claim they weren't credited here and forgotten there. It happens to us all. But it would be almost impossible to recreate for music, would it? Artists are easy, we know who they all are. We also understand the importance of the manager, the producer and the label. But do we care? Time will tell.
Anyway, last night, in the dark, in bed I managed to rest my mind listening to Nil Lara's self titled album Nil Lara. I haven't slept that well in ages.