In preparation for Classical Week next week on Gigseen TV, I've decided to give you 'classicalphobes' a little introduction to the genre that brought us such historical greats as Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn - and that's just for starters!
I've just had one of those random moments wondering 'what else' goes on in the world. Like most middle aged men I love news about music, cars, gadgets, but I really love news about real people, real news! You know the 'something nice happened to aunty Marge' after she helped stop the kids robbing the local Kebab store kinda stuff. It's great!
During times of turbulence music, it seems, can be a source of solace, a temporary release from tense environments and relief in the knowledge that you're not alone. But music can also be a stark reminder of reality and present social contexts.
Last night I found a load of old concert ticket stubs that I'd stored away for some reason. I found some of them I just quickly looked at and threw down, then others I held for longer, plucked a long lost memory out of the emptiness that is my brain and smiled for a while, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Sonic Youth, Living Colour, The Wonderstuff. The list goes on.
Here at Gigseen, you know we love our concerts, gigs and all things live. We like to give you the best live footage and let you reminisce about those happier times as you remember standing with your mates watching the concert by the band you were crazy about.