To celebrate the current exhibitions going on in The Black Country at the moment (that's The West Midlands; Birmingham and Wolverhampton to you and me), I wanted to share with you all a great video and article I found in The Guardian.
It features Toni Iommi, the guitarist from Black Sabbath, speaking about his experiences growing up and working in the industrially charged Birmingham, and how that environment influenced and affected the band and it's music. It was only four years prior to Sabath's Masters of Reality album being released that Iomi lost the tips of two of his fingers to an accident in a Sheet-Metal factory. He also speaks about the idea that bands created different music and riffs depending on which sector of the metal industry they worked in. Perhaps a reason, Iommi said, why Judas Priest were musically different to Sabbath. Anyway, It's really interesting, so have a watch, or if you can make it, most of the exhibitions are on right up until 2012.
The Home of Metal exhibition's celebrate the the origins of heavy metal and grindcore in Birmingham and the Black Country; the crucible of the industrial revolution. The set out to bring people together, share their passions and explore themes of Heavy Metal through exhibitions, film screenings, live events, conferences and family friendly activities. Four decades since Heavy Metal was unleashed onto an unsuspecting world, Home of Metal honours a truly global musical phenomenon.
So to quote Daniel Trilling of New Statesman.....
It features Toni Iommi, the guitarist from Black Sabbath, speaking about his experiences growing up and working in the industrially charged Birmingham, and how that environment influenced and affected the band and it's music. It was only four years prior to Sabath's Masters of Reality album being released that Iomi lost the tips of two of his fingers to an accident in a Sheet-Metal factory. He also speaks about the idea that bands created different music and riffs depending on which sector of the metal industry they worked in. Perhaps a reason, Iommi said, why Judas Priest were musically different to Sabbath. Anyway, It's really interesting, so have a watch, or if you can make it, most of the exhibitions are on right up until 2012.
The Home of Metal exhibition's celebrate the the origins of heavy metal and grindcore in Birmingham and the Black Country; the crucible of the industrial revolution. The set out to bring people together, share their passions and explore themes of Heavy Metal through exhibitions, film screenings, live events, conferences and family friendly activities. Four decades since Heavy Metal was unleashed onto an unsuspecting world, Home of Metal honours a truly global musical phenomenon.
So to quote Daniel Trilling of New Statesman.....
"Heavy Metal was born in the West Midlands and has developed a global following matched only by Hip-Hop. It's time to stop sneering and celebrate this proud cultural heritage ...”
Source: The Guardian